
Low Vision Services for Partially Sighted Patients

Our care features applicable magnification to facilitate your lifestyle needs. We are committed to addressing all of your visual goals.

Care for patients with macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy, Stargardt’s, Retinitis Pigmentosa, retinal dystrophies etc.

We treat all diagnoses that rob a patient’s central sight. We provide hands’ free devices so that your tasks feel more natural. That is, no more hand-held devices! Most commonly we provide comprehensive assistance to facilitate:

  • Reading

  • Seeing faces to accommodate socializing

  • Hobbies-for a more fulfilling life

  • Mobility-to limit isolation through exploration

  • Driving-to maintain independence

Care for patients with glaucoma

Most doctors avoid moderate to severe glaucoma patients because the disease steals center and peripheral (side) vision. Functioning with glaucoma requires the following:

  • Reduce glare-for overall functioning

  • Balancing center magnification with side vision-so the patient can appreciate detail but maintain mobility

  • Increase side vision-to keep mobility safe

Care for patients with stroke, head injury, aneurysm, and other neurological conditions.

Typically, their vision becomes disoriented and becomes an unreliable guidance system for them. So, devices for orientation will assist:

  • Peripheral (side) vision-so the patient becomes more confident in getting around

  • Eye coordination-to eliminate double vision

  • Reading-so the patient is able to track print without skipping words or lines

  • General coordination-to keep the patient from stumbling.